Browse All : Decoration and ornament, Architectural and Islamic architecture and Architecture, Byzantine and Architecture -- Italy and Architecture -- 1100-1200 of ITALY from 1170 - 1185

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Palermo Cathedral
not known
Palermo Cathedral
1170 - 1185
Display Creator
not known
Creation Date
1170 - 1185
Palermo, Sicily
Palermo Cathedral
not known
Palermo Cathedral
1170 - 1185
Display Creator
not known
Creation Date
1170 - 1185
Palermo, Sicily
Palermo Cathedral
not known
Palermo Cathedral
1170 - 1185
Display Creator
not known
Creation Date
1170 - 1185
Palermo, Sicily
Palermo Cathedral
not known
Palermo Cathedral
1170 - 1185
Display Creator
not known
Creation Date
1170 - 1185
Palermo, Sicily
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