Detail View: SHIMMER: Memorial to Alderman Thomas Wiley

Memorial to Alderman Thomas Wiley
Creation Date: 
Image Date: 
19th century
Start Date: 
End Date: 
Sheffield, South Yorkshire
Display Creator: 
not known
Image ID: 
View of the memorial in front of the almshouses, Abbeydale Road. Location: 50m East of Woodland View; Almshouses for Licensed Victuallers and Dependants, Abbeydale Road South, Totley. (Almshouse is also a Grade II listed building) Description: A square tower in a Gothic design with a crowning spire. A plaque on the facade facing the road records the details given below. The base of the monument is 223 cm square. Commission: Sheffield and Rotherham Licensed Victuallers Association. Originally erected in Grimesthorpe in 1853 and moved to its present location in 1879, when the surrounding fields were built upon for industrial premises making living conditions difficult for the residents . The Association purchased five and a half acres of land and two existing houses on this site for the cost of £6,000. The Asylum buildings were erected for about another £6,000 in 1878 and consist of twelve houses with a central hall for association meetings and a library. [1] Inscription: "THIS MONUMENT / WAS ERECTED TO THE MEMORY / OF THE LATE / ALDERMAN THOMAS WILEY, / BY THE VOLUNTARY SUBSCRIPTIONS OF THE / MEMBERS AND FRIENDS OF THE SHEFFIELD / AND ROTHERHAM LICENSED VICTUALLERS / ASSOCIATION, TO RECORD THEIR RESPECT AND / ESTEEM FOR HIS MUNIFICENT DONATIONS TO / THEIR ASYLUM. HE BEING THE FIRST DONOR TO / THIS INSTITUTION. AND BY HIS SPIRITED / EXAMPLE CAUSING A NUMBER OF LIBERAL / AND BENEVOLENT GENTLEMEN TO SUBSCRIBE / SUFFICIENT FUNDS TO ERECT THE / ADJACENT BUILDINGS. / ANNO DOMINE 1853 / THIS MONUMENT WAS REMOVED FROM THE / OLD INSTITUTION AT GRIMESTHORPE TO ITS / PRESENT SITE ON THE COMPLETION OF / THESE BUILDINGS 1879." Comment: Thomas Wiley was an alderman, and wine and spirit merchant [2] References: [1] Illustrated Guide to Sheffield by Pawson and Brailsford, 1879. p167 [2] A list supplied by Sheffield District Council
© Sheffield Hallam University
For educational use only. This image may be used in print or digital materials provided that full acknowledgment is given, expressed as follows: " © < insert details from the 'Rights' field >. Photographed by < insert details from the 'Photographed by' field >."
Photographed by: 
Dave Ball
not known
Creator Role: 
Subject Heading: 
Architecture -- England -- Sheffield
Subject Heading: 
Memorials -- England -- Sheffield
Subject Heading: 
Almshouses -- England -- Sheffield